Debut Gig as "Black Majesty"

Read the Gig Review

30 Nov 2002 @ Deviate (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)

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Jammin' and Hammin' !


Black Majesty in action (Ooops, where's Pavel?)

Hanny doing his thing!

Stevie grinds his axe

We finally get to see Joe the Sheriff in action!

Gio and the Sheriff!

Gio and Hanny

Stevie, Gio and Joe

Silvio from Vanishing Point joins BM for the first time!

Silvio joins in on "Colliding Worlds"

Time for a SOLO!!!

Hanny going for it!

Stevie's turn!

Joe and Hanny

Gio doing his thing!

Singing sweet somethings to Arthur in order to Embarass him on his Birthday!

Stevie and Hanny go for it!

Danny Cecati of Eyefear joins in on "Guardian"

Danny and Gio during "Guardian"

The crowd loves Danny C !

Danny and his killer voice on "Guardian"

Danny's voice can do that to you!

Danny pleases the crowd with his talents on "Guardian"

All Photos © OzzyFrank

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